I’m still not finished my run of Dr. Seuss programs, another month yet to go. But I am already deep into preparing for theĀ Summer programs. I’ve got a lot of material on the wish list for the shows AND I’m about to add a show for customers that have already scheduled a show. More on that later.
As for what you ‘might’ see this summer.
Magic Fishing! That’s right, fishing. I’m bringing a small fishing pole and a bowl of water and I’m going to catch an invisible fish out of the air (who then appears on the end of my line) and is dropped into the bowl of water to prove he is real!
The Clinking Rings. A very different take on the standard Linking Ring trick, where ALL of the rings are handed out as they link and unlink! No explanation can be found, yet the magic still happens.
The Story of Horatio Cooke. A true story about a Civil War era soldier and scout who met Lincoln and later became a mentor to the great Houdini. Then I’ll share one of his greatest feats that even President Lincoln witnessed at the White House!
Magic with Gum. Several different tricks with sticks of gum. I won’t reveal ‘what’ happens because I don’t want to spoil it, but trust me, it looks incredibly magical.
The Mystical Walnuts. Here is something I’ve wanted to include for years. A very old trick using three walnuts and a glass. The walnuts vanish in a very mysterious way and reappear in the glass. This is presented to music and is amazing to watch.
There are a lot more suprises in store, including another SUMMER PROGRAM that I’m going to offer to anyone who has already booked something. More details on that Monday.